What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

By December 23, 2013 August 27th, 2015 Dental Health, Dental Implants, Oral Health, perfect smile
There are many benefits to dental tooth implants. That’s what makes them such a good treatment for missing teeth. Not only is the procedure a very effective physical fix, it’s also a very powerful emotional one too. As holistic dentists, we’re very much in favor of that!

There are several key benefits of dental implants, so let’s take a look at some of them.

Long Term Restoration

Of all of them treatments for missing teeth, dental implants last the longest. Even the best kind of bridge has a finite lifespan when looked after properly. A dental implant that is looked after carefully can last a lifetime.

Cleanings may need to be made occasionally to keep the implant healthy along with your other teeth. Other than that, there is nothing stopping them being the only treatment you ever need.

Retain Healthy Bone Structure

A downside to having missing teeth is the reduction in bone density around the site of the missing tooth. This can lead to structural weakness around the site, potentially affecting long term oral health. Gums can also retract around the area too, leaving your remaining teeth at risk.

A dental implant helps retain healthy bone around your missing tooth by encouraging it to grow around a titanium rod that anchors the implant. This also inhibits gum reduction.

Healthy Smile

Not only do dental implants help your physical smile, but your mental one too. It’s difficult to smile properly with gaps or missing teeth. Having a full mouth of healthy looking teeth avoids all that.

As holistic dentists, we appreciate that healing is only partly physical and that much of the work is done in the mind. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body and vice versa.

No Food Restrictions

Many bridges and false teeth need to be looked after a lot after fitting. This can include being restricted on what you can eat. There are no such restrictions with dental implants. You can eat just about everything you ate before without consequence.

There may be exceptions, depending on your particular circumstances, which we would discuss at any consultation.

Low Maintenance

A properly fitted dental implant can be maintained with your usual oral hygiene program. Keep your mouth clean, floss regularly and maintain good oral health and your dental implant should give you a lifetime of faultless service.

Those are just some of the benefits of dental implants. If you would like to know more, contact Aesthetic Family Dentistry for a consultation.